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Creating a Custom ConvoComet Widget


The recommended way to use ConvoComet is through the official integrations. However, there are certain cases where you might want customization that is not available in the premade widget. Luckily, ConvoComet publishes a JavaScript SDK @convocomet/sdk that makes it simple to access the ConvoComet API. To use this, first install it with NPM (or your preferred packages manager):

Terminal window
npm install @convocomet/sdk

@convocomet/sdk exports only three functions. loadComments, postComment, and upvote. These all do exactly what they sound like.


loadComments helps load a list of comments. To call it, pass a config object containing your site id as id and page id as page. You can also pass in an optional order and continuation parameter (the continuation parameter should only be used when returned by the API for use with pagination).

Here is an example of using loadComments

import { loadComments } from '@convocomet/sdk';
const { comments, continuation } = await loadComments(
id: import.meta.env.CONVOCOMET_SITE_ID,
page: 'page-slug'

Note that continuation will only be returned when there are more comments. There is currently no way to configure the number of comments loaded (it is set to 20).


postComment allows you to submit comments. To use it, pass two parameters: the comment data and configuration object. The comment data should contain text, a boolean notifications for whether the user has enabled notifications, author, which should only be specified for anonymous users (signed in users will use the session cookie), and sourceId, which is the id of the comment replied to if the comment is a reply.

import { postComment } from '@convocomet/sdk';
const newComment = await postComment(
text: 'Testing testing 1 2',
notifications: false, // cannot be true without signed in user
author: 'Tester'
id: import.meta.env.CONVOCOMET_SITE_ID,
page: 'page-slug'


upvote allows you to upvote comments. To use it, simply pass in a comment id and configuration object.

await upvote(COMMENT_ID, {
id: import.meta.env.CONVOCOMET_SITE_ID,
page: 'page-slug'